While on a trip to Disneyworld, I happened to find a little guitar shop in Downtown Disney. The Guitar Gallery, I found, was something quite more than a quaint little guitar shop. They are the only authorized Ibanez Custom Shop dealer in the world. They recieve more prototypes, custom models, and jsut plain cool guitars than anybody else. They have an inventory that would blow any guitarist's mind (assuming they aren't independently wealthy and have as many guitars as they could ever desire) and remind us that no matter how cool you think your guitar is... there are always cooler ones. Let's take the tour, eh? Click on the thumbnail for the bigger picture.
Here we have just a few basic glimpses around the Guitar Gallery, and it's amazing collection.
Here's me hanging out with some sweet Strats. The one on the left is an aluminum bodied Hawaiian Strat. Right is John Jorgenson's Signature Axe.
To the left is me playing a Gibson Custom Shop Double-Neck SG, complete with groovy inlays. Oh yeah, and it was previously owned by Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead. I almost dropped dead when the guy asked if I wanted to play it. (Of course, I said yes!)
Finally, this little ditty. A Guild Custom Shop Double Neck, with an acoustic 12-string up top and a semi-hollow 6-string neck on the bottom. Cherry red finish. Beautiful.
So what's the moral of the story? If you ever get the chance to go to Disney World in Orlando, make sure you go to Guitar Gallery in Downtown Disney. While you're there, eat at the House of Blues, as it's now probably the second coolest place I've ever been.